


educational environment, inclusive educational environment, student with special educational needs, organizational aspects, methodological aspects


The article considers the tasks of an inclusive educational environment and the peculiarities of its introduction in general secondary education institutions of the city of Sumy and Sumy region to ensure the right of every child for education. An inclusive educational environment is defined as a special environment that provides conditions for education and training, comprehensive development of students with special educational needs and different levels of health.

Creating an inclusive environment is aimed at a harmonious combination of psychological and pedagogical conditions, technical means and resources of the educational institution to organize the educational process for people with special educational needs.

The organization of an inclusive educational environment in general secondary education institutions will promote the emergence of experimental institutions of inclusive education; advanced training of pedagogical workers in the organization of inclusive education of students with special needs; increasing society's understanding and tolerance of people with special needs.

The article is devoted to the search for an effective model of inclusive education environment to create an effective management system, a clear legal framework and build a specific concept for the comprehensive development of inclusive education at all levels. The implementation of the outlined way of organizing an inclusive educational environment requires dynamic monitoring of the quality of inclusive education, creation of optimal conditions for professional development, special education and increasing the level of motivation of teachers.

When talking about the organization of the educational environment, it is wrong to start thinking about furniture and equipment. However, in addition to the physical environment, it is necessary to take into account the equally important social environment, which includes quality interaction between administration and parents, administration and teachers, teachers and parents of children with special educational needs, teachers and children, communication between children.

The article notes that only if an inclusive educational space is created, adherence to the principle of continuity between preschool education, primary school, secondary education, understanding the specifics of the child's educational needs, professional development of teachers, providing psychological and pedagogical support to children, providing educational, psychological pedagogical and correctional and developmental services, providing students with special means of correction of psychophysical development, dynamic and sustainable introduction of an inclusive educational environment in a general secondary education institution is possible.

We came to the conclusion that in general the model is an imaginary or material object, which in the process of research replaces the original object, preserving the typical elements of this study. It was determined that to ensure pedagogical "modeling" there is a need to apply a systems approach, which is based on the study of the object as a holistic system consisting of interdependent components that determine the causal relationship.


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