Epistolary, epistolary heritage, biography, worldview values, forms and methodsAbstract
The article deals with the issue of using the epistolary heritage of Lesia Ukrainka as a significant original source for studying the biography of the writer, true evidence of her life and work.
It claims that the epistolary heritage is an important source of cognition of Ukrainian fiction. It allows tracing the ways of forming the writer as a professional, the development of their literary and aesthetic views, features of the thinking process. It also highlights the relationship of the artist with famous contemporaries, and helps to understand artistic heritage, historical events.
It concludes that the letters let scholars learn about writer’s friends, her like-minded people, about the national and cultural life of Ukraine, about the artistic preferences of various cultural and artistic figures of Slavic and European literature.
It also points out the great cognitive and educational value of the epistolary heritage of writers in the lessons of Ukrainian literature.
The emphasis is placed on the use of various forms and methods of working with letters that can help to form pupil’s personal attitude. It can be an important means of increasing pupils' interest in literature.
It states that the epistolary heritage is the significant source for studying the biography of Lesia Ukrainka. It reveals her views on life and work, attitude toward the literary process and social life, especially the spiritual world of the writer. Therefore, the teacher of literature creates a certain emotional mood in the lesson, helps to penetrate into writer’s creative laboratory, to present worldview values, artistic and aesthetic preferences.
It summarizes that reading Lesia’s letters helps pupils to feel and understand her worries. The epistolary materials make schoolchildren think about their own life and deepen into their own inward worlds. The use of epistolary materials increases students' interest in literature, the ability to understand the thoughts and feelings of others.
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