current ideas of Vasyl Sukhomlynsky, New Ukrainian School, professional activity, humanization of the educational processAbstract
The article examines the use and development of Vasyl Sukhomlynsky's pedagogical ideas in New Ukrainian School, in particular his ideas of the humanistic orientation of the teacher's personality and pedagogical activity, respect for the student's personality, his or her human dignity, creative attitude to educational work. The results of the research on the implementation of leading pedagogical ideas in the theory and practice of the Pavlysh Secondary School in Kirovohrad Region are presented. It is shown that the practice of humanizing education has a formal character, because the teachers of the higher school are not prepared for this activity.
An indicator of the effectiveness of training future teachers for professional activities in the implementation of the conceptual provisions of New Ukrainian School is their readiness to use and develop the ideas of the Ukrainian humanist Vasyl Sukhomlynsky in the conditions of modern society by means of education and development of schoolchildren. The research experimental verification of this efficiency was carried out. Readiness to humanize the educational process in educational institutions is interpreted as a complex personal formation. The participants of the research were students of 3-4 years, teachers and methodologists.
Theoretical, empirical, and statistical methods were used during the research. The results of the research showed that there were changes in the motivational component of the readiness of future teachers for the humanization of education, the level of acquired knowledge about the essence, content, methodology and technology of the humanization of education increased, and the indicators of the emotional-volitional and activity components of the readiness for the humanization of the educational environment increased. As a result, conclusions were made: in the New Ukrainian School, the humanization of the pedagogical process is ensured by a creative, highly professional teacher; the training of future teachers requires the use of effective methods, forms and means, innovative teaching technologies, a thorough study of the heritage of humanist pedagogues.
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