


informatization of education, competence, informational-communicative competence, formation of ICC, pedagogical conditions


The article considers important aspects of the problem of formation of informational-communicative competence of junior students in the context of the requirements of the State Standard of Primary Education (2018) and the Concept "New Ukrainian School" (2016). The concepts of "competence", "information and communication competence", "formation of information and communication competence", "pedagogical conditions for the formation of informational-communicative competence" are analyzed. Based on the analysis of scientific and educational literature on the study of advanced pedagogical experience and the use of positive results of their own pedagogical activities in higher education and in primary schools, the authors determine the pedagogical conditions for informational-communicative competence of primary school students. Particular attention is paid to such conditions as: positive motivation of teachers and cognitive interest of students in information and communication activities; creating an educational and developmental environment in the classroom, at school; teacher's possession of modern technologies and techniques, in particular, games, information and communication and their use in practice; taking into account in the process of studying computer science age and individual characteristics of students; availability of material and technical and information support for students and schools. The National Doctrine of Education Development in Ukraine in the 21st Century defines that the priority of education development is the introduction of modern ICT, which ensure further improvement of the educational process, accessibility and effectiveness of education, preparation of the young generation for life in the information society.


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