research activity, organizational skills, student, online learning, information and communication technologies, college, institution of higher educationAbstract
The article, based on the study of scientific sources, substantiates the relevance of the problem of forming students' organizational research skills. It is noted that organizational skills belong to meta-subject skills. It is claimed that organizational skills are necessary for students in the process of studying academic subjects, in extracurricular cognitive activities, self-education, and research activities. The importance of students' organizational skills during online learning is highlighted. The results of the study of the formation of organizational skills in future teachers and their readiness to carry out research activities are presented. The assessment of the degree of importance of organizational research skills for future teachers was revealed. The experience of research activities of future teachers, acquired during school studies, is clarified. The ways of solving the problem of formation of organizational research skills in future teachers are outlined. 42 students of higher education (013 Primary Education and 014 Secondary Education (English)) of Zhytomyr Ivan Franko State University participated in the study. The following questionnaires developed in Google form were used: "Self-assessment of the level of organization", "Organizational research skills". The results of the diagnostic study are summarized: the level of formation of organizational skills can affect the student's emotional state; insufficient focus of teachers' actions on the formation of students' organizational research skills was revealed; the list of types of research work of students at school is limited. It was concluded that the process of training future teachers for the formation of students' organizational skills requires solving the following tasks: formation of students' skills of self-organization of work; the development of future teachers' competence to form organizational skills in students of general secondary education institutions.
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