professional adaptation, external and internal factors, motivation, specialists in the economic field, content of training, personal needs, personnel supportAbstract
This article defines the interaction of external (objective) and internal (subjective) factors that affect the process of professional adaptation of students of the economic profile from the perspective of the analysis of psychological and pedagogical literature. Among the first are the level of development of society, its socio-economic needs, as well as, of course, the established system of professional education, its content, methods, and forms of organization of the educational process. Analyzing subjective factors, first of all we have in mind the mental characteristics of the personality of the future specialist-economist.
Three main scales for the classification of motives have been distinguished: awareness – unawareness; congenital – acquired; qualitative characteristics of motives. The block of the structure of professional motives has been described: motives for understanding the goals of the profession; motives of professional activity, which in turn combine activity-processual and activity-resultative motives; motives of professional communication (prestige of the profession in society, social cooperation and interpersonal communication in the profession); motives for the manifestation of personality in the profession, including both the development and self-realization of the personality in the profession, and the development of individuality in the profession.
The requirements from the point of view of ensuring professional adaptation have been considered: fundamentalization, which is the most important condition for the formation of a comprehensively developed professionally adapted specialist; humanitarianization of the content of education, which is expressed in the search for new approaches to teaching social and humanitarian disciplines in higher education; the ability of the content of education and the technology of education to ensure high professional readiness of a specialist in accordance with the level and profile of education; integration of the content of higher and secondary professional education; personal and individual-psychological focus of professional education.
Approaches to increase the level of professional adaptability have been proposed: adaptive; operational and problematic (project).
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