


raining of future teachers, acmeology, acmeological approach, self-development, perfection professional success


The article deals with the problem of training future teachers based on the acmeological approach. According to the analysis of theoretical sources of recent decades, the relevance of the outlined issue is argued and the need to introduce its basic postulates into the educational process of institutions of higher pedagogical education is proven. The role of acmeological knowledge as a theory and practice of self-improvement of a person through activity, which grants them knowledge about life barriers and ways to overcome them based on reason, higher ethical feelings, and spirituality to achieve success in life, is defined. Modern theories of success (material existence, existential type of life success, etc.) are supplemented with an acmeological concept. In this context, the acme theory of "life success" considers a person as a dynamic system (a person in their development) striving for perfection.

The teacher's orientation towards success is defined as a prerequisite for upbringing a successful individual – a person of the future. It is proposed to create the acme potential of educational and professional training programs for future teachers by introducing the educational component "Fundamentals of acmeology" into the curricula. The scientific apparatus of the relevant educational component (goal, task, program results) is outlined. The promising lines of teaching the course are revealed based on the general characteristics of the following concepts: "acme" – top, "acmeology" – pedagogy of success, new quality of professional activity. The content of the basic theoretical provisions of the educational component is characterized, the topics of the lecture course tested during the educational process, the practically oriented context of the educational component, educational and organizational measures of its implementation in the conditions of training of future teachers – applicants of the second (educational and professional) level of higher education are presented.

The peculiarities of conducting practical/seminar classes are revealed using examples. An important aspect of the students' understanding of the concepts of "perfection", "integrated personality development", "self-improvement", "success" is determined by the use of a set of exercises, project tasks, discussion questions, etc. Examples of work on the implementation of practical tasks are considered. Based on the quantitative and qualitative analysis of the results of students' work in practical classes, it is predicted that they will achieve the planned program results, and the prospects for researching the acmeological principles of training future teachers by expanding the arsenal of practically oriented author systems are determined.


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