


blended learning, technology, technological culture, Master of Industrial Training, agrarian profile, institution vocational education and training, educational and methodical (scientific and methodical) center of of vocational education and training


In the article, to justify the characteristics of implementing the technology of blended learning in the development of the technological culture of masters of industrial training of an agrarian profile on the basis of training and methodical centers of VET, an analysis of psychological-pedagogical and methodological literature, scientific sources, educational and methodological materials, experience of upgrading the qualifications of masters of industrial training of an agrarian profile is carried out. It was determined that the term "blended learning technology" has acquired a generalized meaning and includes various forms of combining traditional learning with the capabilities of modern information technologies. Attention is drawn to the fact that thanks to the introduction of blended learning technologies, the masters of industrial training are able to implement their own trajectories of the development of technological culture in accordance with individual requests and needs. It was established that the effectiveness of the organization of the educational process regarding the development of the technological culture of the masters of industrial training of the agrarian profile according to the flex model largely depends on the set of applied andragogic and acmeological technologies, namely: project technology, pedagogical coaching, technology of scientific and methodological support. The application of the rotation model and the flex model in the construction of the educational process regarding the development of the technological culture of the masters of industrial training of the agrarian profile in the educational and methodical centers of VET is characterized. It is proved that the application of blended learning technology enables the development of the technological culture of masters of industrial training of an agrarian profile in educational and methodological centers of VET through various types of activities, provides the creation of cultural examples of their own professional experience, the formation of teamwork skills, solving professional and pedagogical problems, critical analysis of the obtained results, assessment of self-development in the context of the introduction of pedagogical, industrial and information and communication technologies into the educational process of vocational(vocational and technical) education institutions.


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