pedagogy of tolerance, tolerance, School of tolerance, empathy, sustainability, tolerant educational space, partnership, tolerant environmentAbstract
The article highlights the results of the 1st organizational and preparatory stage of the all-Ukrainian level experiment "Scientific and methodological support for the implementation of the author's model "School of tolerance", the participating pedagogical teams are the Educational Complex № 2 of Khmelnytskyi, Gymnasium № 6 of Shepetivsk City Council of Khmelnytskyi Region, House of Children's Creativity of Netishynsk City Council of Khmelnytskyi Region. The purpose of the study is to scientifically substantiate and experimentally verify the effectiveness of scientific and methodological support for the implementation of the author's model "School of Tolerance". The theoretical justification of the experimental work at the first stage provided for the achievement of two goals: the 1st implies conducting study, analysis and generalization of theoretical research with the aim of clarifying the concept of "tolerance", "dignity", "partnership", "tolerant educational space", "pedagogy of non-violence", clarification of these concepts regarding the education of the personality of education seekers and residents of the selectives, the formation of a personal and activity approach to the organization of education and upbringing according to the principles of tolerance; the 2nd implies is the study, analysis and generalization of ways and means of integrating the principles of tolerance into the system of educational activities in institutions of general secondary and extracurricular education. The participants of the experiment carried out a number of tasks, namely: studied and analyzed the pedagogical experience of the team of gymnasium № 2 in Khmelnytskyi of the author's model "School of Tolerance", psychological and pedagogical literature on the problem of the experiment; the composition of creative groups of teachers was formed regarding the organization and conduct of the experiment at the all-Ukrainian level; established cooperation with institutions that provide scientific and methodological support for experimental work; the functional duties of teachers in the system of solving the tasks of the experiment are defined and clarified; held consultations and meetings for teachers regarding the study and analysis of domestic and foreign experience on the research problem; conducted comprehensive diagnostics of the level of readiness of the participants of the educational process to work in the experimental mode.
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