


choreographic education, pre-professional choreographic training, primary specialized art educational institutions, choreographic training, disciplines of the choreographic cycle, children's dance creativity


The article reveals the peculiarities of the development of choreographic education in Ukraine in primary specialized art educational institutions (PSAEI) in the historical-pedagogical discourse, analyzes the organization, structure, content component of choreographic training of student youth in the specified types of institutions. In the process of holistic consideration of the outlined problem, the methods of system-structural, pedagogical and retrospective analysis, as well as the method of theoretical generalization, were used. Based on the study of a wide range of archival sources, it was found that in terms of their structure, target guidelines, organization of the educational process, art schools had signs of binary nature, combining the characteristics of an extracurricular institution and a professional education institution. The general concept of the development of children's art schools was written down in statutory regulations, where it was noted that the educational process is carried out on the basis of a personal-oriented approach to students, ensuring artistic and creative activity and a personal-value attitude to varieties of art. At various stages of formation and development, children's art schools united common functional characteristics such as early professional orientation of pupils, creation of a favorable educational environment for the upbringing of a creative personality with a special type of education, aimed at continuing artistic training in pre-higher and higher education institutions.

The educational significance of the phenomenon of children's dance creativity in art schools as a component of pre-professional choreographic education is clarified. It was observed that in the out-of-school structure, primary art education institutions were an effective form of organizing pre-professional choreographic training. By combining general education and professionally oriented choreographic training, they had a great potential for forming dance performing abilities in systemic and multifaceted choreographic work. We define the early professionalization of education and the correlation of narrowly professional and general choreographic training as progressive trends in the development of pre-professional choreographic education in the studied types of schools. In addition to the realization of the tasks of self-realization and general cultural development of pupils, choreographic training provided them with prospects for further specialized training.


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