professional training, professional training of the future teacher of mathematics, professional competence, future teacher of mathematicsAbstract
The article, based on the analysis of scientific sources and the results of author’s own research, considers the problem of professional training in general and highlights the features of professional training of future teachers of mathematics in particular. It has been established that today there is a wide range of research on the solution of above-mentioned problematic issue, in particular, there is no ambiguity regarding the definition of the professional training of the future teacher. Ukrainian scientists consider professional training as: a purposeful process; a system of corresponding measures; a system of professional training; the goal and result of activity; the acquisition of professional education, as a set of special knowledge, abilities and skills already acquired by a person, as well as a personal achievement on the way to the formation of readiness for the realization of personality in the future professional activity. It was found that the essence of the concept of "professional training of a teacher" should be specified by the peculiarities of pedagogical activity, thus the differences in subject specialization should be accounted for, and, among the priority tasks of professional training, the formation of professional competence in future mathematics teachers is defined. The analysis carried out made it possible to formulate the following: the professional training of a future teacher of mathematics is a purposeful, specially organized educational process that ensures the achievement of the appropriate level of pedagogical and mathematical (subject) knowledge, abilities, skills, as well as the development of personal qualities of future specialists with the aim of forming in them a professional competence.
In the structure of professional competence of future teachers of mathematics, key, basic and specialized subject competences, as well as mathematical, methodical, communicative, informational and psychological-pedagogical components are highlighted. It is substantiated that only a high level of development of each component can ensure the formation of professional competence of future specialists. It has been established that due to the modernization processes in education, special importance is now attached to methodical competence, which includes the teacher's assimilation of new methodical and pedagogical ideas, approaches to teaching mathematics.
However, at present, all aspects of the problem cannot be considered to have been finally solved. Prospects for further research are outlined in the development of theoretical and methodological foundations of professional training of future teachers of mathematics in the conditions of graduate education.
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