extracurricular work, biological selective, methods and forms of work, research activity, nature cornerAbstract
The article is devoted to the disclosure of the methodical principles of the organization of the activities of the school biological selective. The aim of the study is to investigate new forms and methods of organizing the work of a biological selective as an accessible environment for the development of scientific research and subject competencies, activation of pupils' cognitive activity, formation of their individual educational trajectory. It was established that the tasks within the selective are the following: deepening and expanding the worldview of pupils; development of their practical skills and abilities; satisfaction of cognitive requests and interests of pupils; development of creative abilities, communication skills; assistance in the organization of effective and non-conflictual communication among members of the selective of different ages; involvement of children in socially useful work. The principles of organizing biology group work within the selective are summarized: voluntary choice of forms and content of work by pupils based on taking into account their own interests; collectiveness (as a rule, 10-15 members of the selective); reliance on individuality, independence, initiatives of the residents of the selective in holding mass events; socially beneficial orientation and creative character; scientific orientation. The conditions for the organization of safe research work in the nature corner (laboratory of living nature) are described, as well as the features of the group leader's documentation. The methodological aspects of the organization of research work in the nature corner are disclosed. Some methods have been tested in the work of the biological selective (QR-coding, lapbooking, learning through research, teaching-learning, website creation, group interactive methods, event education (gaining knowledge during participation in environmental and educational actions), conferences, webinars, educational hubs, forums, festivals, contests, tournaments, etc.); their efficiency has been proven. The effectiveness and practical value of extracurricular work was analyzed on the example of the activities of the "Young Biodiversity Researchers" group of Zhytomyr Lyceum №34. The motivation of schoolchildren to participate in extracurricular work in biology and their satisfaction with the organization of the work of the biology selective were studied by means of an anonymous online questionnaire.
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