communicative approach, creative personality, innovative, interactive, innovation, innovative methodsAbstract
The article deals with the innovation of the educational process. Interactive methods of working in English classes as a means of forming a creative personality are described. The article presents the formation of communicative competence through the introduction of innovative methods.
Innovative methods of teaching English are analyzed and the expediency of their use in higher educational institutions is justified. The process of teaching English in higher educational institutions has certain features associated with different initial levels of language training of students.
The main goal of a foreign language teaching in higher educational institutions is to form students' communicative competence, which is based on communicative approaches formed on the basis of language knowledge and skills. Moreover, without the introduction of innovative teaching methods, the proper result cannot be achieved. It is necessary to reorient the educational process to partnership, that is, to the cooperation of all participants in the educational process. Learning English should be more active, not informative, because students learn languages more successfully through actions – speech and non-speech and their integration. For students, training in the form of practical activities forms the basis of their true knowledge.
High-quality foreign language training of students is possible subject to the introduction of modern educational methods, such as: professionally oriented training, project method, intensive and distance learning methods, information and telecommunications technologies, working with computer programs in foreign languages, creating presentations, training systems of education. It is possible to significantly increase the effectiveness of the lesson if the content of the discipline "foreign language" in higher educational institutions is professionally oriented. The use of interactive teaching methods involves turning to communicative and constructivist approaches to teaching English. The use of innovative methods for teaching English and multimedia teaching tools allows students to increase motivation to learn English, provide access to new, alternative sources of information, develop independent mental activity, form communication skills, intercultural and professional competence.
The communicative approach is largely aimed at the student. Its purpose is to interest them in learning the language by accumulating and expanding their knowledge and experience. It is necessary to develop knowledge and skills on the methodology of teaching foreign languages, reveal the essence of the methods, principles and practice of the communicative approach of teaching English, and improve the practice of foreign language proficiency.
To achieve these goals, it is important to use active forms of work and innovative methods. The use of interactive methods in English classes will increase students' motivation to learn English.
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