English philology, standard of higher education, competence approach, bachelor's degree, educational and professional programAbstract
The article examines the preparation of bachelors of English philology in higher education institutions of Ukraine based on the competence approach. A competence approach to the professional training of future specialists deepens the practical orientation of education, emphasizes the role of experience, the ability to practically implement knowledge, establishing the subordination of knowledge to skills and emphasizes the results of education, considering them not as the sum of learned information, but the ability of a person to solve life and professional tasks, to act in various problem situations. It is focused the attention on the content of the Standard of Higher Education of Ukraine in the field of knowledge 03 "Humanities" in the specialty 035 "Philology", analytical competences of future philology bachelors (integral, general, special), which are components of their professional competence. The developed general and professional competences will contribute to the introduction of qualitative changes to the training system of the student philologists. On the example of the educational and professional program of Kyiv National Linguistic University (bachelor's degree in specialty 035 "Philology" field of knowledge 03 "Humanities" with specialization 035.041 – German languages and literature (including translation), the first – English) the content of the competence paradigm of bachelor's training is specified, the terms of training are determined, the competences are clarified according to the specialization, the content of the educational components that allow students to achieve the program results are outlined.
A conclusion was made about the importance of preparing a bachelor in English philology in the modern conditions of the globalization and integration character of the development of the educational field, precisely on the basis of the competence approach, which gives the specialists the opportunity to realize themselves in the future professional field not only in Ukraine, but also on the European and world labor markets.
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