


professional competence, pharmacy specialist, pedagogical conditions, motivation, chemical disciplines, professional focus, scientific and methodological support, innovative technologies, extracurricular activities


The article highlights the main provisions that are key to understanding the terms "conditions" and "pedagogical conditions". Pedagogical conditions for the formation of professional competence of future pharmacy specialists in the process of studying chemical disciplines by means of innovative technologies based on a survey of teachers of pharmaceutical colleges, graduate students, and pharmacy workers, are distinguished and justified.

The article contains the results and analysis of the responses of pharmacy students regarding their motivation to study chemistry in college, collected through an anonymous survey. It was found that the formation of positive motivation to study chemical disciplines is facilitated by both external and internal motives, which are interconnected and mutually determined. It has been proven that the motivational sphere is of leading importance in the formation of professional competence of a specialist. The role of preparation and implementation of professionally oriented scientific and methodical support in the implementation of professionally oriented chemistry training in the pharmaceutical professional college is highlighted. The concepts of "professional focus of chemistry education" and "professional focus of a college graduate" are distinguished. It has been established that such innovative technologies as project, problem, case-study, information and communication, gaming are relevant, promising, integrative, and student-centered, which contribute to the awareness of students of the need for chemical knowledge in work and are oriented towards the formation of professional competence of future pharmacy specialists. The need to introduce extracurricular work into the practice of vocational higher education institutions: professionally oriented and socially oriented.

The result of the creation and implementation of selected pedagogical conditions is the purposeful formation of professional competence of future specialists in the field of pharmacy.


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