digital technologies, educational process, quality education, self-development, assessment system, interactive technologies, test control system, learning process, computer testing, knowledge controlAbstract
The article examines the experience of using modern digital technologies to control and accurately assess the quality of students ' knowledge and skills. It is shown how digital technologies allow us to quickly implement high-quality pedagogical control and objectively assess with high accuracy the level of the student's knowledge, allowing us to conduct testing more efficiently and quickly, as they are able to automate the process of creating tests, evaluating them and reporting results. In addition, the positive side of the systematic control of knowledge based on the use of digital technologies is its objectivity, based on the realization of the possibilities of their informative functions, since they do not allow the teacher to influence the test results, and also allow to establish the accuracy of the answer. When performing this type of control, conditions are created under which the student is not afraid of the control procedure and does not try to invent new ways to increase the grade. Digital technologies allow the teacher to create individual training programs, which makes it possible to adjust testing to the needs of each student and create a personalized approach to the educational process. The teacher has the opportunity to objectively assess the real level of students' knowledge and their compliance with the declared competencies. Digital tests can be taken at any time and from any place, making the testing process convenient and accessible for students. The use of digital technologies to monitor knowledge can be motivating for students, as it allows them to participate more actively in the learning process and increase their achievements.
The text of the article briefly describes the need for digital technologies in education, types and applications of control and diagnostic systems and online services, justified expediency and advantages of digital testing technologies, as well as examples of modern services and programs for creating tests. It is also noted that digital technologies make it possible to save test results and obtain statistics on student answers, which allows for a more objective analysis of the level of knowledge. The use of digital technologies also makes it possible to increase the efficiency of knowledge control and reduce time spent on preparing tests and evaluating results.
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