
  • V. Yahupov Ivan Cherniakhovskyi National Defense University of Ukraine, Kyiv, Ukraine
  • I. Plokhuta Ivan Cherniakhovskyi National Defense University of Ukraine, Kyiv, Ukraine



diagnostic, diagnostic competence, measurements, ducational and professional training, criteria, indicators, future Philosophy Doctors, methods


The article is devoted to the problem of substantiating the criteria and indicators for assessing the diagnostic competence of future Philosophy Doctors in their educational and scientific training process. The scientific approaches of foreign and domestic scholars to their definition have been analyzed. The content of the concepts of "criterion" and "indicator" is substantiated with regard to their diagnostic function. Five key criteria have been identified based on the specifics of their scientific and pedagogical activities, they are: axiological-motivational, intellectual, activity, psychological and reflective which fully make it possible to provide an opportunity to systematically cover the content of their diagnostic competence and diagnose its development. These criteria allow clarifying such problematic questions regarding the subject of our research as:

– valuable attitude of the subjects to their future diagnostic activities and their motivation;

– the mastery of diagnostic knowledge system, which is important for the diagnostic activity of future Ph. Doctors and determination of the diagnostic problem essence in relation to them and ways of solving it;

– possession of the system of diagnostic skills and practice that they need for diagnostic activities and the ability to choose the best solution in diagnostic activities;

– to find out the development of professionally important diagnostic qualities as subjects of diagnostic activity;

– to find out how the researched subjects perceive themselves as a subject of diagnostic activity.

For each criterion, respectively, the indicators of measuring the formation of a particular component of the diagnostic competence of future  Ph. Doctors in the process of their educational and scientific training and methodological tools for their evaluation have been determined.

The article presents the criteria and characteristics by means of which the degree of merit of the research goals is evaluated. The appropriate criteria and indicators are necessary for measuring the formation of the future Ph. Doctor’s diagnostic competence, by which it is possible to find out its formation at different stages of their diagnostic training.


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