


personality upbringing, content analysis, linguistic analysis, modernization of the education system, self-development, self-education, self-determination


The category "upbringing" is studied by means of content analysis and linguistic analysis. The relevance of the article stems from a certain underestimation of personality upbringing and scientific knowledge in the organization of the upbringing process in the educational systems of Ukraine and foreign countries, from deep qualitative changes occurring in modern youth environment, as well as from the fact that there is a different understanding of the mentioned phenomenon both in the context of pedagogical theory and in the field of sociolinguistic studies, which reveal multifarious content of the category "upbringing" in different languages, which affects its content. The article provides the correlation of the features of the concept "upbringing" obtained through linguistic analysis and content analysis.

On the basis of the conducted research, upbringing as a category used in the context of Ukrainian-language scientific and pedagogical literature is identified as a process of conscious development of an independent personality, which is carried out under the influence of a teacher-educator in the process of joint reciprocal activity of all participants in the educational process, aimed at mastering the methods of their moral self-development and the experience of social relations. At the same time, the process of upbringing involves the actualization of hidden potential resources of the child's psyche under the socializing influence of society, as well as family and school as social institutions. Under such conditions, upbringing has revealed a social, purposeful, formative, conscious character, its result is the psychic development of the personality as an organized, multifactorial social and personality educational process aimed at forming a person's ability for self-development, self-education, and self-determination.

At large, the process of upbringing is understood as a socio-historical phenomenon and the process of transmitting the accumulated experience of humanity from generation to generation; as a process that leads to certain changes in the personality sphere, as a mediated mutual influence of all participants in the educational process, being in unity with the process of interaction of various objective and subjective factors of personality formation; as a developmental activity; as management and control of personality development.


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