staff, scientific institutions, competencies, algorithm, education, evaluation indicatorsAbstract
The article deals with the main aspects of training of PhD graduates in the scientific institutions of the Ministry of Defense of Ukraine. The authors analyze the regulatory framework for improving the professional competence of scientific personnel of scientific institutions in the system of the Ministry of Defense of Ukraine. The national security of Ukraine is an integral part and priority goal of the Ministry of Defense of Ukraine, which accordingly determines the main factors of stable development of society. Russia's full-scale invasion of Ukraine has created the conditions for the emergence of a hybrid form of warfare using the information space, which has forced the creation of new approaches to ensuring and maintaining the national security of the state. In this case, an important role is played by weapons and military equipment, which requires constant updating. Therefore, in order to timely take into account and forecast the production of weapons and military equipment, the Ministry of Defense of Ukraine needs graduates of the adjunct program who are able to conduct basic research in the field of defense. The issue of training PhD graduates in the modern conditions of the contemporary educational process should focus on the ability to make decisions in a state of uncertainty. In today's conditions, the future model of education provides for the possibility of choosing a solution that can be modeled as a situation of choosing the best solution from a set of equivalent, random solutions.
The level of education of a PhD candidate will be higher, the wider the chosen field of activity and field of knowledge, as well as the ability to design solutions in an uncertain situation, which will allow them to have a wider range of possible decision-making methods. Therefore, the introduction of a system of training PhD candidates through adjuncture will create prerequisites for further implementation of measures that will ensure the development of science in the system of higher military education.
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