higher education, non-systematic literature review, research administration practices, US universities, Ukrainian researchersAbstract
This study examines the contributions of Ukrainian researchers in understanding research administration practices in the United States (US) universities. A non-systematic literature review approach was employed, utilising keyword-based strategies and predefined criteria for source selection. Data extraction and qualitative synthesis were conducted to analyse the findings. The review of research administration practices in US universities by Ukrainian scholars reveals important insights. Firstly, there is a recognised shortage of skilled research managers in US universities. The professionalisation of research management through specialised qualifications and continuous professional development is identified as a significant trend. Secondly, innovation activities, technology transfer centres, and funding sources are found to be crucial in fostering entrepreneurship, optimising resources, and supporting research and development efforts. Thirdly, international cooperation, regulatory mechanisms, and strategic planning play pivotal roles in governing research activities. The reviewed studies encompassed a wide range of themes pertaining to research governance and administration in the United States including higher education management theory, managerial training in US universities with a focus on Masters in Administration programs, the scientific capacity of US universities, technology transfer, research ethics, the legal framework for research, fundraising strategies for research, the dissemination of research findings, grant writing practices, and the restructuring of the educational system to prioritise research. Based on these findings, the study recommends that Ukrainian universities enhance their research administration practices. Incorporating courses on transferable skills, research ethics, project management, and leadership within Ph.D. programs is suggested. Adopting best practices from US universities, particularly in areas such as technology, management, finance, and legal aspects, can contribute to improving research administration practices and fostering international cooperation in Ukrainian universities. An untapped research area involves assessing how research administration practices drawn from US universities and the creation of technology transfer centres can enhance research governance in Ukrainian higher education.
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