teaching Ukrainian, infomedia literacy, key competences, information, kommunikation, information and communication technologies, electronic educational resources, German schoolsAbstract
The article is a study of the issues of teaching the Ukrainian language with an infomedia component in a German school. The authors consider infomedia literacy as a means of meeting the challenges of the information society in the future. On the basis of the analysis of theoretical provisions and synthesis of ideas of scientists, the essence of basic concepts is clarified. The relevance of the topic of the publication is confirmed by the results of a questionnaires of 76 German school students, conducting survey regarding Ukrainian language among 10 teachers and 40 parents. Research revealed the real state of infomedia literacy development of Ukrainian children in Ukrainian language classes in German schools (on the example of the Ukrainian diaspora school in Frankfurt am Main and integration classes in Hesse). The study shows that the idea of developing students' infomedia literacy in the process of teaching Ukrainian in German schools is not sufficiently implemented, depending, in particular, on the availability of technical resources of schools, as well as on school policies and teacher motivation (or lack thereof). The results of the study give grounds for supposition that students' infomedia literacy as an integrated personal characteristic can change. In order to improve it, a set of actions is needed at the level of educational policy, state educational institutions, beliefs and practices of Ukrainian language teachers and students. The article provides recommendations for improving educational policy and school results in the development of students' infomedia literacy in the process of teaching Ukrainian in Germany give grounds for supposition, as well as on the basis of a combination of strategies, are selected. It is emphasized that the educational and developmental result of using electronic resources in the school practice of Ukrainian-language education can be significantly enhanced by combining learning and project activities with the implementation of student projects of social significance. The results of the study can contribute to a better understanding of the formation and development of infomediate literacy of Ukrainian children while learning Ukrainian in German schools.
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