Competency approach to structuring the curriculum on biological and bioorganic chemistry




curriculum, biological and bioorganic chemistry, design of educational process, educational program, higher medical education, improving the pre-diploma training of physicians, modernization of the educational environment, quality of training, quality management system, structuring of discipline.


It has been a significant task to deepen, develop and improve the design of academic process according to the standards of higher education towards quality management system extrapolating to the level of departments and each individual teacher. Determining the structure of training programmes on specific subjects of the curriculum for masters of medicine has become a part of the activity which simultaneously connects the work of quality management system and a demand to apply competency approach. The article substantiates the importance of structuring the curriculum in biological and bioorganic chemistry in the framework of the academic plan of undergraduate training of future physicians as an important element of the department stage of designing educational activities. The investigation elucidated the experience of the Department of Bioorganic and Biological Chemistry of the Bogomolets National Medical University as the basic department in development of the curriculum structure in the discipline on the base of competency approach, which is an important element of the department stage of study design for future physicians. Thorough development of elements of the curriculum taking into consideration anticipated results of learning according to the standard of higher education is the pledge of improvement of the quality of professional competencies development of students. Selection and optimization of the content of didactic material, coordination and synchronization of teaching its components with the study of other medical and biological disciplines helps unload students and facilitates mastery of the content of the curriculum, is the key to consistent and systematic process of forming integral, general and special competencies. Defining clear educational objectives for students according to the competency approach and selection of appropriate learning materials for each topic on biological and bioorganic chemistry will reduce the time to master the material and further increase the quality of training of future physicians at the undergraduate level.


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