The conceptual idea of would-be english teachers' preparation to practice-oriented instruction of learners with disability




would-be foreign language teachers' preparation, learners with disability, the structure of the preparation, the axiological component, the cognitive component, the instrumental component, the reflective component, practice-oriented instruction.


The introduction of inclusive instruction of children with special educational needs is one of the most topical tendencies of Ukrainian secondary education reform. In the last decades a number of measures have been taken in the course of its implementation, and namely: the educational legislation has been upgraded, a number of pilot projects have been launched, the position of a teacher aide has been introduced, a number of school premises have been (re)constructed in the frameworks of reasonable adjustment and universal design etc. In the same time, the question of would-be teachers' (and namely, of foreign language) preparation to the practice-oriented instruction of learners with disability has not been sufficiently researched. The theoretical and methodological analyses previously done allowed us to formulate its conceptual idea described in the article. According to it, the structural components of would-be teachers' preparation to challenged learners' instruction should include: motivation, content, organization and evaluation ones. The motivation component presupposes the interiorization of values that reflect the UN's paradigm of new humanism. These primarily comprise so-called integration models of disability. The content component includes, on the one hand, raising would-be teachers' awareness of the theoretical issues connected to the peculiarities of learners with disability of 5 categories and of teaching them foreign languages; and on the other one – developing students' ability to substantiate the choice of measures to be taken as a solution in challenging classroom situations.  The organization component includes activities aimed at the practical study of adjustment and correction measures in the context of teaching learners with disability. And finally, the evaluation component presupposes the application of such means and methods of evaluating the results of the pedagogical preparation as: traditional and online tests, as well as the case and project methods of learning.


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