Trends in the development of adult education (second half of XX – beginning of XXI century): european dimension




adult education, continuing education, trends in adult education development, national education system, European dimension, innovation, metamodernism, globalization, innovativeness.


Nowadays, the attention of scholars and practitioners to the concept of lifelong learning is increasing. The Continuing Education Program includes key components of the knowledge society, so European countries seek to systematize the leading trends in adult education to deepen its transformation, seeking to enhance and adapt to new societal needs. In order to determine the leading trends in the development of adult education in the second half of the XX ‒ early XXI century, a scientifically grounded theoretical model was used, based on the idea that adult education during that period was a factor in the sustainable development of society and the improvement of quality of human life. The tendencies of its development on the global level (pragmatization and paradigmatization, actualization and openness, multivariate, diversification (diversity) and differentiation, stratification, individualization, informatization and virtualization, innovation and continuity of transactional transformation, regional transformation, regional competence are revealed. The tendency to effectively integrate the latest technologies into the adult education system; to deepen interstate cooperation in the field of education adults) and at the local level (the tendency for national self-identification of adult education in the context of metamodernism and globalization; focus on dynamics and change; reflection on updated values, content, goals and objectives of adult education in a changing world; expanding adult learning opportunities in its formal, non-formal and informal settings; which leads to the need for validation of non-formal and informal learning outcomes). The prospects for further research include the analysis of trends in the development of adult education at the local level under the influence of the desire for national self-identification of adult education in the context of metamodernism and globalization.


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