Online risks and information protection of children on the pages of pedagogical press of the USA




the Internet, risks of the Internet usage, social networks, media literacy, media education, critical thinking, information protection, evaluation and selection of information, control technologies, unacceptable content.


The Internet is the most popular mass media among young people. It not only provides children with powerful learning and entertainment opportunities, but it is also an environment where they can face many risks. That is why the problem of information protection of children, especially online safety, is one of the priority areas for the development of pedagogy and education not only in the USA but also in Ukraine. Publications array focusing on the main methods and tools for overcoming online risks has been analyzed. The article deals with the main types and classifications of online risks: content risks, communication risks, electronic risks and cyberbullying. Cyberbullying classification is provided: trolling, harassment, impersonation, denigration, happy slaping, fraud, online alienation, sexting and cybergrooming. The author highlights American legislation on child protection on the Internet. The strategies for implementing the above legislation into the American School System are described. The main strategies of information protection of children are identified and analyzed: media literacy, critical thinking, awareness of parents, children and teachers about online risks, adherence to the rules of online behavior. The terms media literacy, media education and critical thinking are revealed. The article provides criteria for evaluating online resources that help children effectively analyze, comprehend, and critically select information. Issues of content, source and data evaluation, site structure that develop critical skills for evaluating an online resource are described. The author defines and analyzes the main tasks of lessons for the formation of information protection of children on the Internet. The basic knowledge and skills that children need to have for working safely on the Internet are identified.


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