The implementation of the creative thinking development technology of high school pupils in the extracurricular activities: results of the pedagogical experiment




creativity, creative thinking, properties of creative thinking, development of creative thinking, extracurricular activities, extracurricular activities in computer science, creative thinking development technology, competencies (practical, creative, social).


The article substantiates the need to create conditions for the formation of students' creative personalities, realization and self-realization of their opportunities and possibilities in the educational process. It is noted that a significant tendency of modern education is its intensification, which primarily implies a reduction in the number of hours for studying subjects, while their content remains unchanged. Thus, it makes impossible for students to master ways and means of solving non-standard creative tasks and objectives. Therefore, the problem of developing and introducing technologies for the development of creative thinking of high school pupils in extracurricular activities is urgent and important. The authors analyzed modern approaches to understanding the concept of "creativity", identified the main components of the creative process, traced the relationship between creativity and thinking. The characteristic features of creative thinking are determined, the features of its development in high school pupils in the process of participation in extracurricular activities are revealed. The state of development of creative thinking of high school pupils, including participants of the III-rd and IV-th stages of the Olympiad in information technologies and research works contest of the Junior Academy of Sciences of Ukraine, including the members of the study groups ("Applied Software" and "Automation of Scientific Research") is analyzed. Insufficient level of students' creative thinking and poor motivation for its development were revealed. The technology of development of creative thinking of high school pupils during the classes of the "Applied software" study group is offered and described. On the basis of the analysis of the results of the forming stage of the experiment, it is concluded that its influence on the level of high school pupils' basic theoretical knowledge in computer science, practical skills and non-standard IT / CS problem solving skills, as well as the development of algorithmic, systemic and creative thinking.



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