Professional-personal qualities as a basis for development of professional competence of the educator


  • V. L. Кhodunova



professional and personal qualities, competence, professional competence, teacher, pedagogical activity, preschool education, educator


The article deals with general scientific provisions on the problem of development of professional and personal qualities. Psychological and pedagogical views on the professional and personal qualities of the teacher, including approaches to the definition of this concept are analyzed and generalized; the point of view of scientists on the identification of a complex of professional and personal qualities is considered. It is stated that professional and personal aspects cannot be separated in pedagogical activity. Professional qualities are defined as individual characteristics of the subject of educational interaction that affect the effectiveness of the activity itself and the success rate of its assimilation, which are stable, significant, equal and can be observed. The professional qualities of the modern teacher of preschool education are considered. It is emphasized that professional competence characterizes the ability to perform professional tasks on the basis of professional knowledge and skills that integrate with the development of personal professionally-significant qualities. It is established that the definition of the concept is carried out using the following categories: the integrated ability of the individual to successfully perform the activity; professional and personal qualities; possession of professional competence.



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