Theoretical basis of primary school teacher training in Japanese and Ukrainian universities
students, school, teacher, Japan, Ukraine, progressive ideas, comparative analysis, education system, modernization of training, elementary school teacherAbstract
The article presents a comparative analysis, found similarities and differences in the development of student learning and teacher training at universities in Japan and Ukraine. The origins of Japanese economic miracle are particularly suited to the training and education of the younger generation, combining western trends with the traditional humanistic educational principles. The Japanese education system, like Ukrainian, has undergone transformation towards humanistic many difficulties due to historical conditions and characteristics of the national mentality. Comparative analysis of the education system in Japan and Ukraine showed similar approaches in the educational process in schools: the structure of schools (primary, basic, senior), the operation of private schools, although there is a difference in the period of training; the use of credit-modular technology that promotes democratization of education; organizational forms of the educational process for the preparation of teachers (lectures, seminars, practical and so on).
Among the prospects for the creative use of Japanese progressive ideas and the experience of modernizing primary school teacher’s training under the conditions of reforming the domestic educational system we have singled out some recommendations that we propose to implement into the process of training teachers for universities in Ukraine: formation of future teachers’ research and development; improvement of the system of acquiring qualifications and the right to teach at primary school; the experience of the Japanese educational system with regard to the entry of beginner teachers in the profession facilitates the transition of a university student to the status of a primary school teacher; partnership approach to the development of the system "school-university"; technological approach to providing the effectiveness of the educational process, primary school teachers’ theoretical and practical training at universities; introduction of new subjects into the curricula of universities’ pedagogical departments.
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